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We’re excited to welcome your children to our Holiday Club at Wimbledon Rugby Club. Burn some energy, get creative, make new friends and JUST HAVE FUN!

  • Date:28/02/2025 09:00 AM - 11/04/2025 03:00 PM
  • Location Wimbledon Rugby Club



What Happens at our Holiday Camp?

  • Non-stop action: Cricket, Tag Rugby, Football
  • Forest Fun & Capture the Flag
  • Padel Tennis at EzeePadel Weybridge – Fun intro & matches (transport included)
  • Board Games 
  • Arts and Crafts

Additional Info:

* Year 2 to Year 6

* Limited spaces!

What to Bring:

1. Packed Snack and Lunch

2. Lots of Water to drink

3. Comfy clothing  and trainers (bring wellies and raincoat - weather dependant)

4. Old clothes for Arts and Crafts and wellies for Forest Fun