Covid-19 and EzeeSport Classes and Holiday Camps

Dear EzeeSport Parents and Carers
What uncertain times we are in with the whole Corvid-19 outbreak. We want to reassure you that we are taking all necessary measures to make sure the children we coach are safe.
The EzeeSport Team are going to continue to follow government guidelines to the best of our ability and will continue our normal schedule of classes and camps unless advised otherwise by the government. 
No member of the EzeeSport team has been to any of the category 1 or 2 countries or been in contact with anyone who has been to any of these countries. We are all cleaning our hands before and after classes as well as using hand sanitiser when we are unable to wash hands.
We are watching for updates about school closures as well as venue closures and will keep you updated.  
If you have already booked your child onto an Easter Camp and it gets cancelled, then we will issue you with a full refund or a credit for a camp later in the year. If you haven’t booked yet and would like to take advantage of the Early Bird rate which is available until 21st March, then please select the pay by bank transfer option. We will then send payment details the week of the camp so that you can make payment then. This way we can avoid issuing too many refunds should the camps get cancelled. Obviously we will do all we can to make sure these camps go ahead even if we need to find alternative venues, which we are currently investigating. 

We cannot avoid the reality that the corona virus can be extremely dangerous for those who have pre-existing health conditions as well as for the elderly. Please can you take the following measures when you are bringing children to our classes and camps:

  1. Wash our hands thoroughly with soap and warm water before and after the class or camp.
  2. Carry tissues with you to catch coughs and sneezes.
  3. Do not come to EzeeSport classes or camps if you (or your children):
  • Are exhibiting cold and/or flu like symptoms e.g. a high temperature, dry cough or breathing difficulties.
  • Have, in the last 14 days, had contact with anyone who has confirmed or suspected symptoms of Covid19 (fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath)
  • Have been to or been in close contact with anyone who has been to category 1 or 2 countries:
    Category 1 countries/areas: Wuhan city and Hubei province (China), Iran, Daegu or Cheongdo (Republic of Korea), any Italian town or areas with containment measures: Lombardy (Codogno, Castiglione d’Adda, Casalpusterlengo, Fombio, Maleo, Somaglia, Bertonico, Terranova dei Passerini, Castelgerundo and San Fiorano)
    Category 2 countries/areas: Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Myanmar

See these government guidelines
If you think you or someone in your family has symptom then use this link

We are very conscious that the fall-out regarding the corona virus has been very disruptive for many people. If you must self-isolate or are unwell, please let us know so we are aware of your situation and can provide any practical help that may be necessary where we can.

Thank you for your continued support of EzeeSport at this time.

Kind regards

Peter and Fiona